When purchasing fresh whole fish, the following points should be observed:

  1. Quality in fresh fish is determined by the condition of the skin which should be shiny and of good colour.
  2. In white fish, the flesh should be really white, not faintly yellow.
  3. The body should be rather heavy in relation to the length, and the flesh plump and springy. 
  4. Eyes should be bright and not sunken.
  5. Gills should be red.
  6. For freshness, the fish should have a pleasant, slightly salty smell, while stale fish has an ammoniac odour, which increases with its staleness.
  7. If the imprint of the fingers remain after it has been pressed, then it is not fresh.
  8. If the scales come out themselves, then the fish is stale.
  9. Raw flesh should not come away from the bones, as it is the sign of the fish deterioration.
  10. The tail should be stiff.

Fish should be store at 1°C.

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